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  • mawi0189

Reading Blog #3

I was unaware of pretty much all of the information that was presented in this article. Previous to this reading assignment, I had no background knowledge about the creation of the medium that is and the other various forms of early-stage internet art. It was especially interesting to me because all of these things and the internet itself has always been a large part of my life because of the time frame I was born in. It was interesting to hear about how fast all of this evolved as it was created right around when I was born and has become the entire world almost immediately. It was very interesting to hear about how in the early stages, was such a powerful force for portraying political expression because it was a true form of art that was finally able to be freely distributed much faster and to the largest possible audience. It was also very cool because it was one of the first ways that many marginalized communities or nations were able to relay messages completely free of censorship. This medium was such a breakthrough because it was accessible for virtually anyone who could get behind a screen and it was very easy to keep anonymity which could help to protect the different artists during their endeavor to potentially expose systemic inequalities or injustices. All of this being said, this article was relatively hard for me to comprehend arts because of the technical computer jargon utilized that I am not aware of.

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